Would you feed your child a giant tub of lard? No you wouldn't. Then why would you feed them fast food? Why would you put that amount of fat and grease in your body? If you want to die before your fiftieth birthday then you go ahead and eat all of that Kangaroo meat. Yeah, it's not beef people! It's KANGAROO! Why would you kill the cute little kangaroos to eat them?? What the heck? You're going to make your child get some heart or stomach disease, think about this, DIABETES PEOPLE! What kind of people are you??
This will be you if you eat fast food!!!
That is All.
Now I shall write about something completely different.
Last night I was going to the bathroom and I looked down and there was this gigantic spider crawling out from underneath the toilet! It was like over an inch in diameter! I could see it's fangs! Anyway, it crawled away and went under the drier. A few hours later when my brother-in-law was changing the laundry it crawled out from underneath the drier and scared him. Now, Derrick, well he's deathly afraid of spiders. He screamed like a girl and ran out and tripped over the baby gate that we have set up for their dog. It was funny. Then my sister went in and squished it. The End.
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